Monday, May 23, 2011

A Bird in the Hand...

I was sitting at the computer at work yesterday when all of a sudden this brave little bird comes hopping up to where I was. It was no more than a foot from me in this picture. It was chirping and hopping along as if it had no care in the world. Now, since I work inside a department store, I didn't figure this little bird would have an easy time trying to get out. I luckily had some crackers left over from lunch so I got a very small piece and started luring the bird to me with cracker crumbs. I crawled around on the floor, threw a bunch of cracker crumbs at this little bird, and finally had to resort to getting a small blanket from the back to capture it with.
 Once I got the bird caught, it didn't fight to get away. I carried it outside and opened my hand to free the little bird. It stood perched on my hand for a few minutes and didnmt even jump off when I started walking toward the sound of other birds. I finally ended up having to coerce it off my hand gently of course. Then it hopped off and that was that. It was a very interesting thing to be so close to a 'wild' bird and then to catch it and return it to it's natural habitat.