Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Sun is Shining!

Today is a gloriously beautiful day. The kind  where you wish you had nothing better to do than take a walk and soak in the wonders of the world around you. An invigorating walk, taking the time to notice the small things and spending quality time with those you love.

Work has been a bit stressful the past couple of days. The Christmas season has so many people in a bustle to do and buy and just go crazy. What happened to humanity that so many people are just caught up with themselves anymore?

I arrived home late last night after a rough day at work to find supper awaiting me and the house tended. I laid in bed and was warmed and loved by the Wind...that sort of peaceful night works more wonders than any Xanax ever could!

I cannot express enough how grateful I am to have such wonders in my life as my family. A rather large group of individuals fit into my family. We are a ragged, disfunctional, and always crazy group of people...but we all know that we belong together. I have 'adopted' family still living down south who I miss dearly, but who are never far from my thoughts. You all know who you are!

I must eat my lunch now (packed lovingly by the Wind for me this morning) otherwise I will have to face his wrath later.

Be well all my family...and bask in the sun todays

1 comment:

  1. I just realized that Wind reminds me of gas after beans. He's full of poop!


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