Monday, May 23, 2011

A Bird in the Hand...

I was sitting at the computer at work yesterday when all of a sudden this brave little bird comes hopping up to where I was. It was no more than a foot from me in this picture. It was chirping and hopping along as if it had no care in the world. Now, since I work inside a department store, I didn't figure this little bird would have an easy time trying to get out. I luckily had some crackers left over from lunch so I got a very small piece and started luring the bird to me with cracker crumbs. I crawled around on the floor, threw a bunch of cracker crumbs at this little bird, and finally had to resort to getting a small blanket from the back to capture it with.
 Once I got the bird caught, it didn't fight to get away. I carried it outside and opened my hand to free the little bird. It stood perched on my hand for a few minutes and didnmt even jump off when I started walking toward the sound of other birds. I finally ended up having to coerce it off my hand gently of course. Then it hopped off and that was that. It was a very interesting thing to be so close to a 'wild' bird and then to catch it and return it to it's natural habitat. 

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Sun is Shining!

Today is a gloriously beautiful day. The kind  where you wish you had nothing better to do than take a walk and soak in the wonders of the world around you. An invigorating walk, taking the time to notice the small things and spending quality time with those you love.

Work has been a bit stressful the past couple of days. The Christmas season has so many people in a bustle to do and buy and just go crazy. What happened to humanity that so many people are just caught up with themselves anymore?

I arrived home late last night after a rough day at work to find supper awaiting me and the house tended. I laid in bed and was warmed and loved by the Wind...that sort of peaceful night works more wonders than any Xanax ever could!

I cannot express enough how grateful I am to have such wonders in my life as my family. A rather large group of individuals fit into my family. We are a ragged, disfunctional, and always crazy group of people...but we all know that we belong together. I have 'adopted' family still living down south who I miss dearly, but who are never far from my thoughts. You all know who you are!

I must eat my lunch now (packed lovingly by the Wind for me this morning) otherwise I will have to face his wrath later.

Be well all my family...and bask in the sun todays

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Love & Crayons

Love is like a box of comes in so many colors, some break, some get all used up, some have to be sharpened with that really cool crayon sharpener on the back of the box. I feel sometimes that all my crayons have been broken into little unusable pieces, unfit for coloring anymore. But then, I remember that show I saw that tells me how I can still use them. I am to melt all the crayons and make one LARGE multi-color I have a rainbow of a crayon to share with those around me. Or to give to one boy and his dog to go scribble in the walls with!

I do not know a more deserving person than my boy and his dog to recieve my rainbow crayon, it is all the little bits of who I am, what I love, the things I see and hear. I will gladly share it with him and watch the beautiful, intricate, sometimes WILD patterns he makes with it. I will not take it away from him, no matter the circumstance, if he wishes, I will color with him.

I love my boy and his dog like the tree loves the wind. The wind can sometimes be harsh, but the tree stands firm. The wind knocks off the leaves, but that is part of it's growth. If a branch breaks, it was due to it being weak, and weak branches sap the life from the whole tree. Most of the time though, the tree is caressed by the wind, it sways to the feel of the wind blowing softly around it. The branches and leaves make a glorious song in the breeze.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Spook-A-Look Halloween Photo Contest

I took this photo for a customer a couple weeks ago and it has to be one of my favorites ever! This darling little girl was such a cute little fairy...or as I found out when they picked up their portraits....a butterfly. Either way, she was the cutest little thing! The color enhancement treatment on it just adds to the fairy tale feel of it, and I think the bent wing adds such personality.
Now for the disclaimers...first and most important...I DID get permission from the parent of this gorgeous butterfly to use the image! Secondly, this is an entry to a photo contest at for a chance to win some pretty cool prizes...I of course, am aiming for top prize of a $100 gift card to Target and a FREE 18X24 rolled canvas from I'd also glady accept the runner up prize of $50 Target gift card and a FREE 16X20 rolled canvas.

Now I ask you to PLEASE go vote for my image so I can win some cool stuff!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Beauty & Love

I see things like this every day now...well most days. It is breathtaking in it's beauty. I can't help but stare in awe at times at the beauty surrounding me. It is an amazing creation of God that we see every day, the world, the people in the world, nature, even man and man-made things....for who gave us the knowledge to create such things? I never want to be the person that brushes off such beauty simply because I have seen it before...I want to be in awe every day!

He may not look like he loves me in this picture, but I assure you his love is true...animals show such unconditional love. I find myself wondering why we humans cannot do the same. What is so hard about loving someone as they are, who they are, for better or worse? Why do people constantly try to convince others that they can do better? Who are they to determine what is better? I am guilty of the same such things and I realize now that my opinion is just that and you can take it or leave it. I am about sick and tired of having other people tell me what I should do, what I need or don't need, and how I should live my life. Only one person has the power to tell me any of those things...not even a unless you are God, let me decide my own fate!

Stop and see the beauty around you, appreciate the love that is given to you and give it in return. We all want to be loved....

Friday, October 15, 2010

We Have a Winner!

Out of the overwhelming response to my business card giveaway I have managed to select a was a hard and trying process going through all those entries but I did my best. Sorry it took so long for me to make the announcement!

Congratulations Lynette! You have won the 250 free business cards! You will be recieving an e-mail with the information on claiming your prize very soon so be on the lookout! Thanks to EVERYONE who entered!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Problem with Math

As I was driving home last night from work, my daughter is texting me to see how soon I will arrive at our domicile. Since texting while driving is super unsafe, I decided to call her instead to see what she needed.
Daughter - "I need help with my homework."
Me - "What subject?"
Daughter - "Math..."
Me - "What is the problem?"
Daughter - "Hold on...let me go where there is light." pause...shuffling of papers "I have to write 5/6 as a decimal and I don't know how to figure that out."
Me - "Divide 5 by 6."
Daughter - "WHAT?"
Me - "Divide 5 by 6..."
Daughter - "YOU CAN'T!" said while increasing pitch by at least 3 octives.
Me - "You can' it on the calculator!"
Daughter - "Hold I have to go ALL the way upstairs just for a calculator." followed by stomping noises on the stairs "Ok...5 divided by 6 is .8333333333..."
Me - "There's your answer."
Daughter - "but that's not how we're supposed to do it...we have to make the bottom number into a 10, 100, or 1000, then change the top number, like 1/4 in the example. The 4 becomes 100 and the 1 becomes 25 so the answer is .25."
Me - "How exactly do you plan to turn 6 into 100 evenly?"
Daughter - "I DON'T KNOW!" said while increasing pitch 3 octives.
Me - "Ok fine...use your calculator and divide 100 by 6..."
Daughter - "16.6666666..."
Me - " you have to multiply 5 (your top number) by that amount to make things match up right?"
Daughter - "What?"
Me - "If you have to multiply 6 by 16.666666666 to get 100 then you also have to multiply 5 by that number....right...."
Daughter - "Ok..."
Me - "What is 5 times 16.6666666?"
Daughter - "83.33333333"
Me - "So what is your answer?"
Daughter - "83.3 repeated"
Me - "How can 5/6 be a whole number...the whole object of this lesson was to turn it into a decimal...5/6 is less than 1 so how can the answer be 83.333333?"
Daughter - "I DON"T KNOW" gaining 3 octives again...
Me - "When you did the 1/4 as an example, the result was 25/100...right?"
Daughter - " the example"
Me - "and you had to move the decimal 2 places to get the proper answer right?"
Daughter - "huh?"
Daughter - "I am but it's hard to hear you..."
Me - "When you figured up the 1/4 example, it turned to 25/100...and the answer was .25 which means you moved the decimal by 2 places...right?"
Daughter - "I just don't understand this...hurry up and get here so you can help me."
Me - "I AM HELPING YOU IF YOU WOULD LISTEN TO ME! If your new top number from 5/6 is now 83.333 and you move the decimal 2 places then you get .83333 repeated...right?"
Daughter - "I guess...but what do I do with the 3 that was after the decimal?"
Me - "The 3 is doesn't matter which one."
Daughter - "OHHHHH....OK"
Me - "Now I want you to do me a favor...get your calculator..."
Daughter - "ok"
Me - "Type in 5."
Daughter - "ok"
Me - "Press the division key."
Daughter - "ok"
Me - "Type in 6..."
Daughter - "ok"
Me - "Now press the equal button...what is the answer?"
Me - "What was the answer?"
Daughter - "be quiet..."
Me - "So the answer was...."
Daughter - "You know what it is!!!"

So I have determined that the problem with math is that children expect to not be able to understand it and that in turn there is no way their parents could unsderstand it and help them with it....she should have just listened to me from the beginning!!