Wednesday, September 29, 2010

When I Grow Up

When I was a young child I remember wanting to be a palentologist, a veterenarian, and of course a photographer. The dreams of a child have no limits at all. Now that I am an adult, I still wish to be a photographer, I happen to be pretty good at it if you ask me. So how do I let people know that I am available as a photographer, well, right now I just tell them. Now I have the chance for a better way to show off my talent and you can too.

Designer Cards, blogger cards and so much more… From marketing materials to personal cards, business cards have developed from the plain boring to a more modern and rounded corners, square cards and slim cards.

Here is your chance to win 250 die cut business cards. As seen above, these are not your standard rectangular cards. These are neat and interesting. I am partial to the 'leaf' shape (seen in green in the picture above). Visit UPrinting to take a look at the different types of business cards they have available.

250 Die Cut Business Cards for One (1) Winner
2 x 3.5”, 2 x 2” (square card) or 1.75 x 3.5” (slim card)
Die cutting options available: Rounded Corners, Leaf, Rounded One-Corner, Half-Circle Side, Circle
Paper Type: 14pt Cardstock Gloss, Matte, or High Gloss; 13pt Cardstock Uncoated       
Color: 4Color Front, Blank Back; 4Color Front, Black Back; 4Color Both Sides            
Limited to US residents only  18 years old and above

To win, all you need to do is leave a comment telling me what you wanted to be as a grown up. The more details, the better. I had considered picking what I thought to be the best story, but I will probably end up using a random number picker instead. I am hoping to get lots of interesting stories, and I am not sure I could pick a favorite.

There is no way to get an extra entry, and you are not required to follow my blog to win. Just make sure you give me your e-mail address so I have some way of contacting you should you win. The winner will be selected on October 13th.

GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!! Oh...and I will also be recieving 250 business cards from UPrinting for hosting this giveaway!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Seasons Change

I just recently returned to the north after a long stretch in the south. I knew upon returning that I would be seeing more trees and a true change in the seasons once again, but it still does not prepare a person for seeing it in real life. I remember being newly amazed at all the green I saw upon first arriving, and water everywhere it seems. There is always a lake, river, stream, or creek not too far away. Since green is my favorite color, I wanted to be outside immersed in it constantly. This led to a lot of forrays with the kids and a lot of new pictures taken.
Now it is full fledged Fall and the trees have begun to show it. The wide array of colors that can be seen is nothing short of spectacularly breathtaking, and the leaves aren't fully turned yet! Now I find myself taking still more pictures of the beautiful colors so I can share them with my family of friends I had to leave behind down south.
Here's to change...of seasons, of life, and hope that everyone will stop for just a moment to enjoy the beauty that surrounds them.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Digital Age

So I sit here waiting to go inside to work and it strikes me that I haven't blogged in a while.  I had a dream last night that strikes me as funny and typical of the times. I was proposed to through a text message. Now I'll not say who it was doing the proposing in my dream, but I would say yes in real life if he asked me (and even if it was a text message to) because I've never felt more love and peace than when he and I were together. I still talk to him almost daily and he says he misses me as much as I miss him. I am currently working on getting him moved up here so he and I can be together again.
Anyway, so he proposed in a text message, kind of in the middle of a conversation, and with no real warning. Needless to say I was shocked, I also recall being slightly dismayed that he would propose in text until my dream self remembered that he lives half the country away and that his phone service cuts off every time I've tried to call him. So what did I do, well I said YES of course!
Now I wonder if it is considered appropriate to propose in a text message, the digital age has made keeping in touch with people so much easier. In the olden days people were proposed to in letter so is this really any different? What are your thoughts?

Monday, September 13, 2010

No Smoking!

It has now been about 60 hours since I last smoked a cigarette. I have been working on quitting for about a year or longer now. I always had some excuse or another for not managing to actually quit, either I was too stressed, or it was too hard to just up and quit. I tried getting on those meds to quit smoking but my insurance wouldn't pay for them. Since I've moved I have been a lot less stressed not to mention it costs almost double for a pack of cigs here than what I was paying. I was steadily cutting back, going from a pack or more a day to a half a pack to about 5 a day. Then I'd suddenly start smoking more again and would have to work my way back down again. It was frustrating for me and for my family and I began to doubt that I had the willpower to quit at all. Then one morning, Friday morning, I stopped at the store to get gas, drink, and cigs before work. I had already smoked one that morning, and I had two left in my pack. I pumped gas, went inside for my drink, paid for drink and fuel and left. As I pull out of the parking lot I remember that I was going to buy cigs, oh well, I say to myself, I can get them later. At work, I have lots of calls to make for my manager so I forgot to go take a 'morning' smoke break. At lunch I smoke some, then I smoke half a cig that afternoon for break. As I am leaving the parking lot and heading home for the night I smoke the last half of cigarette thinking to myself, I really shouldn't buy any more, I can do this, I can quit! And even though it's been only 60 hours, it has seemed a lot longer. The struggle is not over yet I fear, but I am doing better already.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Welcome To My World

Welcome to my own little world on the web! This is a new blog for me as I had to abandon my previous blog for personal reasons. Due to those reasons I will not be sharing my real name, pictures of me & my family, or a whole lot of information about me and my family. What will I write about you ask? I will do my best to keep people entertained and informed on matters of home and life as a Christian. I have learned a great many things in the past couple of months that I wish to share with people. If you are easily offended then this is not a good blog for you to read...or perhaps it is the blog for you to read. I will be turning on comment moderation and hateful comments will not be posted. Legitimate questions, opinions, and ideas are all welcome. I hope to create a place for discussion, and free speech. Enjoy!

Ayvea (pronounced 'Ivy')