Sunday, September 26, 2010

Seasons Change

I just recently returned to the north after a long stretch in the south. I knew upon returning that I would be seeing more trees and a true change in the seasons once again, but it still does not prepare a person for seeing it in real life. I remember being newly amazed at all the green I saw upon first arriving, and water everywhere it seems. There is always a lake, river, stream, or creek not too far away. Since green is my favorite color, I wanted to be outside immersed in it constantly. This led to a lot of forrays with the kids and a lot of new pictures taken.
Now it is full fledged Fall and the trees have begun to show it. The wide array of colors that can be seen is nothing short of spectacularly breathtaking, and the leaves aren't fully turned yet! Now I find myself taking still more pictures of the beautiful colors so I can share them with my family of friends I had to leave behind down south.
Here's to change...of seasons, of life, and hope that everyone will stop for just a moment to enjoy the beauty that surrounds them.

1 comment:

  1. saw beauty this weekend
    beauty of pow wow
    and all the food there in!


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