Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Digital Age

So I sit here waiting to go inside to work and it strikes me that I haven't blogged in a while.  I had a dream last night that strikes me as funny and typical of the times. I was proposed to through a text message. Now I'll not say who it was doing the proposing in my dream, but I would say yes in real life if he asked me (and even if it was a text message to) because I've never felt more love and peace than when he and I were together. I still talk to him almost daily and he says he misses me as much as I miss him. I am currently working on getting him moved up here so he and I can be together again.
Anyway, so he proposed in a text message, kind of in the middle of a conversation, and with no real warning. Needless to say I was shocked, I also recall being slightly dismayed that he would propose in text until my dream self remembered that he lives half the country away and that his phone service cuts off every time I've tried to call him. So what did I do, well I said YES of course!
Now I wonder if it is considered appropriate to propose in a text message, the digital age has made keeping in touch with people so much easier. In the olden days people were proposed to in letter so is this really any different? What are your thoughts?


  1. Heck if he ever asked you should say yes! Then drive down and haul his hinney up there with you. Should have kidnapped him in the first place....yall are so so so good together. I wish you was still together, even if it is half the country away from us.

  2. It kind of steals the romance of the moment, or the absolute horror depending on who is proposing!!


Please feel free to make your opinion known, but do so in a non hateful manner or I will be forced to delete your comment . Thank you!